How Things Work
***Masks are mandatory at this event.***
***Vendor setup time is from 8am to 10am.***
Based On the Rules from EVERY OTHER CON we have been to:
- Any behavior that’s offensive in public should be kept out of the Upper Valley Comic Expo.
- Any such behavior may be considered grounds for removal from the event.
General Rules
• You must wear your badge or wristband at all times. You will be asked to show your badge or wristband when re-entering.
• Be kind. Everyone attending is there to have a good time. Be courteous and aware of others around you.
• If you need any kind of help, please find someone wearing a STAFF Badge.
• Be mindful that when you are taking pictures in the middle of an aisle, you are holding up traffic.
• Upper Valley Comic Expo Staff maintain the right to ask any attendee to leave if they do not abide by the rules and policies.
• We are a “family friendly” convention. It is important that everyone is safe and has a good time.
• Upper Valley Comic Expo is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged property, or for injuries sustained during the course of the Upper Valley Comic Expo.
• By entering the Upper Valley Comic Expo attendees consent to being photographed or recorded (by audio, visual and/or other means) for exhibition or commercial purposes, by any means in all media now known or hereafter devised worldwide in perpetuity, including local, national and international press, so smile.
• You cannot:
- Put signs on walls.
- Place trash anywhere other than a garbage can.
- No Smoking or Vaping in non-designated smoking areas.
Service Animals
Trained service animals are permitted with proper supervision.
We will not tolerate any inappropriate behavior of any kind, including but not limited to: harassment about attire, age, disability, marital status, race or color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or if they like Jar Jar Binks.
Threatening behavior with the intent to harass, annoy, alarm, abuse, torment, or embarrass another is absolutely unacceptable and is grounds for removal from the event without refund. If unacceptable behavior continues upon being escorted from the show floor, local authorities on site will be asked to pursue criminal charges.
If anyone who sees or feels that their convention experience is being compromised due to unacceptable or questionable behavior of others is encouraged to speak with any staff member immediately. No participant should EVER be concerned for their personal safety or repercussions for reposting it.
Costume & Props
Do not sneak photographs of cosplayers- almost everyone will happily pose if asked. No harassment of any kind will be tolerated.
• Offensive and/or overly revealing attire is prohibited. If you’re asked to cover up by staff or security, please comply immediately or risk ejection.
• No real weapons or functioning projectile weapons – including guns, crossbows, swords, ninja stars, water pistols, silly-string guns, etc.
• All fake and prop guns must have an orange tip, whether glued plastic or painted.
• Metal weapons and objects that are deemed harmful towards attendees (sharp weapons and props) are prohibited.
• No explosives or flash pots
• Weapons must be easily distinguishable from real weapons.
Staff reserve the right to refuse any weapon or costume accessory/prop into the show at any time. Additionally, weapons will be zip tied to show that staff has checked them to deem them safe!
Bootleg or Unauthorized Merchandise
Upper Valley Comic Expo does not permit or condone the sale of bootleg or unauthorized merchandise at the show.